at -95 hours


Helsinki, Finland

It’s now t = – 95 hours from the Uutisraivaaja (Finnish for “news pioneer”) innovation contest deadline expiration. Currently, there is -6 °C in Helsinki and white snow all over the place.

We are still putting the final touches in our submission material. Part of that was finilizing project names. “PodCust” was an idea by Mania Sotiropoulou.

Anxious? Absolutely!

Creatively anxious, just like this entire project preparation has been. Learning new tricks, exchanging interesting links, demanding strict reviews from friends, working on the cloud, digesting material of other disciplines, dealing with timezone differences, making time for video conferences, examining quotations.

Whatever finally happens, it has been a nice journey so far.

You will hear more about the project and the team in due time. Perhaps in a couple of years you will even read about us, in the business columns.

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